Featured image of post A slight update on our look

A slight update on our look

Learn more about our slightly updated look.

We have a new look!

As you may have noticed, we’ve updated our font in our logos and websites. We are announcing that we’re ditching the Montserrat font for Hauora Sans. This font gives more personality to our identity, since the old font was one of the most popular sans serif fonts used in apps, websites, and product. The new one is – indeed – like Montserrat, but it adds some small details that makes it better than the old one.

When will this change take effect?

As we said, most of our websites have already received an update. However, our apps haven’t yet. An update should roll out to them this month.

Léo Corporation is always evolving, and we would like to thank our users for taking this journey with us.


The Léo Corporation logo, updated with the new Hauora font.

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